Hope In Your Marriage

The Need for connection is our first and most basic instinct. We all want a lifetime of love, connection and support but sometimes we need a little help. This Fall, we are inviting you to join us for a fun, easy retreat. Couples in all seasons of marriage – from the heights of love to the depths of struggle – can spend an intentional, intimate weekend focusing on each other without interruptions or to-do lists. The weekend provides relaxing couple time and valuable teaching sessions along with 3 delicious meals.

Marriage Retreat:

October 11 – 12, 2024 – Friday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Dinner provided and time around a fire after. Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm – Breakfast and Lunch provided.


$150 per couple which includes Friday Dinner and Breakfast and Lunch Saturday. We have lodging for 8 couples or you can dive back and forth. Please register early to reserve a room.


Friday and Saturday September 27 – 28 @ 180 Oxford Drive, Dayton TN 3732


Email Mark Carpenter at mcarpenter@thetransformationcenter.org or call 423-499-9335 and ask them to register you for “Hope in Your Marriage” with Mark Carpenter