Abuse Intervention With Life Skills – call 423-643-0728 for information or email for information.

Preregistration is required. Please fill out this form and we will contact you. AILS Preregistration Form

The Abuse Intervention with Life Skills Program (AILS) a non-profit, tax-exempt organization serving Hamilton County and the surrounding counties for adult men charged with domestic violence or domestic assault. Some men attend the program as a result of an order of protection issued by family court. This agency does not discriminate against race, religion, sex, sexual preference, national origin, age or disability. AILS is recognized by Hamilton County Courts. AILS consists of one intake session followed by 12 or 26 weekly classes. Each class lasts one and one-half hours. Pre-registration is required at least 48 hours before class to ensure enrollment. Registration and class fees are non-refundable.

Class is on Tuesday from 6-7:30pm

Weekly class fees are based upon a sliding scale. Please call or email for rates.

Classes utilize:

  • Visuals – Video and vignettes used to illustrate actions used to gain control of partners and to encourage analysis and discussion.
  • Identify and Explore – Beliefs, justification, and rationales for abusive behavior.
  • Explore – The feelings that surround the abusive actions
  • Recognize -Ways of minimizing abuse, denying responsibility, or blaming the victims.
  • Identify Patterns – Past abuse and the consequences they have had on the victims and participants.
  • Showing Relationship – Ways that acts of violence are related not just single incidents.
  • Learning – Non-violent behaviors to replace abusive ones through class discussion and the use of the Power and Control Log.

AILS is the most extensive, informed and interactive resource to date examining the complex realities of abuse. The curriculum uses two important tools that help participants develop critical thinking: short video clips or vignettes of battered victims portraying incidents of abuse and the Power and Control Log as a guide which is divided into eight segments that help the class and the facilitator analyze the vignettes. The video is the visual and the Log is the method used to process and explore abusive actions.

Although AILS is not part of the court system, a report is made to the court or probation officer about an individual’s class participation.

Participants may be suspended from the program if they re-offend, fail in attendance requirements, or become uncooperative. Consequences of suspension could range from spending time in jail, starting the program over, or attending additional classes. If participants are convicted of a violation of the court’s order, they may be required to complete the previously sentenced term. In order to avoid dismissal from the program, participants must attend each session, participate, and complete the program. AILS requires the participant’s completion of the non-violence classes before beginning couples’ counseling. It is essential that the participants first deal with their own use of violence and abusive behaviors. They must make a commitment to remain non-violent in their relationships.

Goals for Participants:

  • To Stop abuse
  • Learn alternative behaviors
  • Examine beliefs and behaviors that support domestic violence
  • Expand definitions of violence and controlling behaviors
  • Explore the effects of violence on others

What Can Be Expected from AILS:

  • To be treated with respect
  • To be informed of current status with the program (how many classes completed and potential suspension from the program)
  • To be assured the information shared in classes is kept confidential, except where there is concern for safety of the participant or others, and reports of further violence
  • To be equipped to identify and practice non-controlling alternatives

The Abuse Intervention with Life Skills Program covers a wide variety of topics in 26 weeks:

Topic 1 – Using Intimidation

Making him or her afraid by using looks, actions, gestures, smashing things, etc.

Topic 2 – Using Emotional Abuse

Putting him or her down, making her feel bad about herself, calling her names, etc.

Topic 3 – Using Isolation

Controlling what he or she does, who she sees and talks to, where she goes, etc.

Topic 4 – Minimizing, Denying and Blaming

Making light of the abuse, saying the abuse didn’t happen, shifting responsibility, etc.

Topic 5 – Using Children

Threatening to take away the children, using visitation to harass him or her, etc.

Topic 6 – Using Male Privilege

Treating him or her like a servant, making all the big decisions, acting like the ”master of the castle”

Topic 7 – Using Economic Abuse

Preventing him or her from getting or keeping a job, or taking her money, etc.

Topic 8 – Using Coercion and Threats

Making or carrying out threats to do something to hurt him or her, threatening to leave him or her or to commit suicide, making him or her drop charges, etc.